Mahabharata : Duel of Legends

Hi All,

Last time we ended at a point where Amba seeking revenge for her humiliation, wandered around looking for a warrior to humiliate Bhishma. However, all Kshatriyas feared Bhishma leaving her with a singular choice. She had to find Parashurama!!

Parashurama, as we commonly know, was a Brahmin. Not just any Brahmin, but a Kshatriya-Brahmin, the finest of his kind. It was such that whoever knew about Aryavarta (now Asia), knew about Parashurama and there were very few foolish enough to be unafraid of him. It was rumored that he hated Kshatriya more than any living creation of the Almighty, he hated them so much that he had sworn to kill any Kshatriya who crossed his path. The reason for this wrath of his was that some Kshatriyas had stolen the cows of his father and killed him. seeking vengeance he picked up an axe and went on a massacre spree demolishing five great Kshatriya clans, filling five lakes with their blood. These legendary lakes would come to be known as Samanta Panchaka, at Kurukshetra.

The Wrath of Parshurama
Image Courtesy -

Soon, after hunting for months, she found Parashurama. After convincing him for a conversation he agreed to listen to her story. But to his surprise, he was shocked not only at the way she was treated by a Kshatriya but at the fact that the Kshatriya was none other than his student. Gaining a volatile rage, he challenged Bhishma for a duel. The duel raged on for several days but proved to be futile as Bhishma although strong enough to block any of Parashurama's blow would simply deny attacking his Guru while Parashurama who regardless of Bhishma's adamant nature was venting out his anger at his most favorite nature. Finally, it took time for him to realize that his anger although directed at Bhishma was not just because of his behavior but on behalf of the whole Kshatriya race. However, not the one to apologize, he simply turned at Amba telling that Bhishma was, as a matter of fact, was invincible and would die only if he himself chose it. 

This raged Amba even further who went ahead and took an oath of not consuming any food or fruit until disclosed to her the way of Bhisma's death. After a penance long enough, Shiva, the destructive form of energy, appeared in front of her. He promised her that she would be the cause of Bhishma's death, but in her next life would it come to fruition. In a burst of emotion and hatred, she entered a pit of fire to be later born as Shikandini, in the House of Drupada, sister to Draupadi.

.......taking a pause here if look back not a century we find women living with dignity and self-respect just as much as that of all men where they had the right to choose their life-partner, but moving forward a century, we see women being treated nothing more than chattels to be won off some tournaments. This century thus brings to light the gradual deterioration in the status of women in the Vedic Society.

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See you all on a bright morning, with some new legacies turned myths...farewell.
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P.S. : All expressions in this post are copyrighted to the author, Hriday Kharpude (©).

#Mythology #Mahabharata #Mahabharatam #Bhisma #Parashurama #BattlebetweenParashuramaandBhisma #Amba


  1. Greatly written..... 👍
    I wanted to suggest you .... I'm not some expert though but if you take a verse from Bhagwat Gita ( suitable to give a life lesson from the scene you are describing) and also give its meaning.... That would be interesting..... You decide .... Just a suggestion ... ☺️

    1. Sounds cool, i was also having a plan about it, lets see how it goes!! Thanks for the suggestion.


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